Donation Appeal

  1. Essur Amanoola

      Zakat Donation

        General Donation

        Rs.165,885.00 donated of Rs.450,000.00 goal
      • Fidèle Marie Angelique Stacy

          Zakat Donation

            General Donation

            Rs.445,993.00 donated of Rs.487,275.00 goal
          • Ellaheebocus Hassenbee

              Zakat Donation

                General Donation

                Rs.71,250.00 donated of Rs.223,400.00 goal
              • Vikram Seetul

                  Zakat Donation

                    General Donation

                    Rs.70,410.00 donated of Rs.317,400.00 goal
                  • Ismael Abdoul Wahhaab

                      Zakat Donation

                        General Donation

                        Rs.104,450.00 donated of Rs.464,590.00 goal
                      • Shibdutt Nashreen

                          Zakat Donation

                            General Donation

                            Rs.169,701.00 donated of Rs.529,700.00 goal
                          • Polin Mahmad Nazim

                              Zakat Donation

                                General Donation

                                Rs.138,344.00 donated of Rs.354,500.00 goal

                              Get Started With Us

                              Help us save more lives. Your generosity counts.

                              Together we are making a difference

                              About OMCA Foundation

                              Assisted more than 100 Patients

                              OMCA FOUNDATION is a charitable and a non-profit organization with its aim to provide financial assistance and support for those in need.
                              The Foundation reaches out to the community, identify social and medical care issues and provides solutions to their problems. Primarily, OMCAF facilitates a care and treatment pathways abroad for those with complex medical conditions needing treatment abroad and who cannot afford it. Overall, OMCAF provides a platform for people with physical disability, the poor and needy persons to access funds to improve their quality of lives.
                              • Provide free consultations and/or subsidised medical treatment overseas and to needy patients
                              • Facilitate access to overseas treatment to the needy people
                              • Provide relief and assistance to people with physical disability, poor or needy persons

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                              Saved the lives of more than 100 patients since 2022

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